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109×174 cm
Acrylic on canvas
  • Paintings are based on Latin alchemic maxim: solve et coagula. It defines the heart of the spiritual process of ‘breaking down’ and being ‘reborn’.
  • Decompose and compose or separate and recombine or solve et coagula because of transforming our perception of the world. Tying to confront and understand mind and soul, so as to pass through a deep transformation and emerge free of the limitations of the personality.
  • Concentrate and dissolve because of new buoyant forces for searching.
  • Vision always comes from inside (mind and soul). But who knows how much it is infected by conscious and subconscious of the outside world?
  • Transience and decay; that is a feeling which I want to catch in paintings. The process of deconstruction can be seen as a constructive process.
  • I like the word transmutation, a word that in its original Latin meaning refers to total change. It is The heart of the spiritual process of ‘breaking down’ and being ‘reborn’.
  • Idea for a painting is always an atmosphere in which I am functioning. I try to realize the fundamental interrelationship between mind and matter, between self and world, between heaven and earth, finally ending in the non-dual realization.
  • During process of painting vision is open, not well-defined and is developed with each material intervention into painting. Wisdom ‘as above, so below’, meaning that in aligning ourselves with the one principles, we aid in causing changes around us.
  • In process of painting I have to be very sensitive and absolutely subtle to let painting guide me.




PAINTINGS 2013 (Solve et Coagula)



The Undefeated Flame, Everything Else Is a Piece of Cake, KIBLA, Maribor, 2013

Decompose. Compose.

…because of new buoyant forces for searching, for forwardness, for other things. Each consciousness provides new unconsciousness. Each new contribution creates new nothing. Among all these: me, without a break, pushing through my life and painting onwards.
Idea for a painting is an atmosphere in which I am functioning, and a feeling which I want to achieve and catch in the piece of art. I want to create another world, and a feeling of past and old which I enter into, and so does a viewer. I want to achieve that I and a viewer feel the transience, decay and each time a new beginning. Vision comes from inside and I never know how much it is infected by conscious and subconscious of the outside world. Vision is open, not well-defined and is developed with each material intervention into painting. The canvas is sawn to the welded rectangular metal sub frame with visual stitches. Because of the flexibility of iron sticks, irregular forms of the canvas with differently concave sides are created. Somewhere to the half of the painting I am the guide to the painting, when dealing with other half I have to be very sensitive and absolutely subtle to let painting guide me.

Natalija Šeruga, 2013